Some of the ways we can help:
Draft a Will
Prepare and provide advice on a Power of Attorney document (appointing someone to make financial decisions on your behalf)
Draft guardianship documents for the care of children
Prepare and provide advice on appointing an enduring guardian (someone to make health and lifestyle decisions on your behalf if you cannot make these decisions yourself)
Apply for a grant of probate or letters of administration after a person has died
Assist an executor to administer an estate after a person has died
Many people do not have a Will prepared, but everyone needs a Will!
Wills are not just for the wealthy or people who own a home, if any of these apply to you then you should consider preparing a Will:
you own a house, land or other real estate
you own a car
you have savings in a bank account
you own shares or cryptocurrency, or have other investments
you own jewellery
you have children under the age of 18
you are concerned about who will receive your assets after you die
If you have a Will, you should ensure you regularly review it and make any required changes. If your circumstances change (such as when you get married or divorce, or have a child) you should seek legal advice about updating your Will.
Contact our office for a confidential discussion about your Wills and Estates matter.
There's nothing more precious than our children.
Most parents don't want to imagine a situation where their children are forced to grow up without you here to look after them. However, sometimes tragic circumstances strike and it is important you have the necessary paperwork in place to ensure your children will be taken care of if you're not here.
We can provide advice on appointing a guardian to care for your children if you are not able to care for them.
We can also advise you on the best way to express your wishes that certain family members not be appointed guardian of your children.
Wollongong City Lawyers provides advice on appointing an enduring guardian.
An enduring guardian is someone who can make non-financial decisions on your behalf when you are no longer able to make decisions yourself.
The types of things an enduring guardian may decide include healthcare and lifestyle decisions, such as what medical care you receive and where you live.
We charge a low fixed fee to prepare documents appointing an enduring guardian.
Wollongong City Lawyers charges a fixed fee for preparing and providing advice in relation to a power of attorney document.
A power of attorney document allows a nominated person to make financial decisions on your behalf. You may choose to appoint someone:
Straight away, or
For a defined period of time - for example, while you are on an overseas trip, or
After you lose the ability to make these decisions yourself - for example, if you are in a coma or develop dementia.
Having a power of attorney in place can help ensure that your wishes are respected and that someone you trust is empowered to manage your affairs if you become unable to do so yourself. It's an important part of planning for potential future scenarios and can provide peace of mind for both you and your loved ones.
We offer fixed price quotes for preparing a power of attorney. Contact our office to discuss your needs with a lawyer and obtain a free quote.