Employment Law

We provide legal advice to small businesses, employers and workers. We advise on workplace legislation, employment law and workplace investigations.

We provide our employment law services on a fixed fee basis wherever possible.

Employment lawyers

Employment law services

Some of the ways we can help:

  1. Prepare and negotiate employment contracts

  2. Provide advice on workplace health and safety matters

  3. Advise on employee entitlements including rates of pay, sick leave, annual leave, flexible work arrangements and more

  4. Develop workplace manuals, policies and procedures

  5. Advise on termination of employment

  6. Prepare or review resignation deeds of release

  7. Provide advice on redundancy

  8. Prepare or review confidentiality agreements

  9. Conduct or provide advice on workplace investigations

Employment Law

Employee allegations of misconduct

Workplace investigations

Our Principal Lawyer, Racheal Garra, is very experienced at advising employees or businesses on workplace investigations.

Racheal has conducted investigations on behalf of NGO's in the areas of foster care and disability services (known as investigations into allegations of reportable conduct).

We provide detailed reports that include an overview of the facts and evidence gathered, the findings and conclusions we made, and any relevant recommendations.

We understand that workplace investigations are stressful and disruptive for employees and businesses alike. That’s why we work quickly and efficiently to finalise these matters, whilst ensuring we still conduct a thorough and fair investigation.

Racheal has also provided support and advice to employees being investigated for allegations of misconduct in the workplace, including those employed in government organisations and large national companies.

We can:

  • Conduct or assist a business or NGO to conduct investigations, including into allegations of reportable conduct.

  • Support employers who need guidance on how to conduct their own internal investigations.

  • Advise employees on their rights during an investigation.

  • Assist an employee to respond to allegations of misconduct.

  • Provide advice to an employer on disciplinary action following sustained allegations against an employee.

  • Provide advice to an employee on avenues of appeal and review after an investigation or disciplinary action.

Workplace training

Training for Managers and Employees

Wollongong City Lawyers provides training for managers and employees in relation to employment law and workplace obligations, rights and responsibilities.

Our lawyers have completed a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and also have extensive experience as tertiary educators, teaching at various universities in NSW.

We will develop and deliver a fantastic training package, specifically tailored to meet your individual business needs.

We provide fixed quotes in relation to your training needs and our prices are competitive.

Our experienced team is ready to help

Need help with a legal issue? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch
Wollongong City Lawyers
Proudly servicing the Illawarra since 2013


(02) 4244 4947 hello@wollongongcitylawyers.com.au
Suite 1, Ground Floor, Enterprise 1, Innovation Campus, Squires Way, North Wollongong NSW 2500
PO Box 177 Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529
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